Hi Fazli, Thanks for testing the plugin with elgg 4.3. Majority of my plugin is being used on my own website which is still running on elgg 4.1 and that is why I have the plugin supported till 4.1. I have not yet tested the plugin with any recent elgg release. I will be updating all my plugin but I don't think this will be done anytime soon. I am planning to update the plugins but it will be done somewhere around December this year. You will have to wait for few more months for the latest version. Thanks.
I can't figure out how the Related Item plugin works (I use related items 4.1 with elgg 4.3). I have two blog posts for example with similar content but I can't see anywhere any additionnal content that links me from a post to the other.
I tried putting similar tags ("family" for example), similar words ("christmas") and so on but that's the same ... I'm probably doing something wrong.
One thing I noticed is that on the plugin parameters page, I don't have anyhting here :
Matching related items will be selected from the following highlighted entity subtypes:
(all subtypes in the system are shown - only subtypes that receive/store comments or discussion replies will be used - others that you check here will be ignored)
Matching related items will be rendered only on pages for the following highlighted entity subtypes:
(all subtypes in the system are shown - only subtypes that receive/store comments or discussion replies will be used - others that you check here will be ignored)
I guess there should be entity subtypes shown, isn't it ?
TIA for your help !
Hi Rohit,
I have been still waiting for an update for elgg 4.3.x. :(
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