i spoke briefly with bill at minds.com yesterday and he said that they barely use any elgg code at all now. so it is maybe unlikely that they will be moving to help elgg any time soon. i am a bit confused by their thread here since i opened an issue in the minds github repo to discuss the idea that they posted here and have had zero response and no evidence of excitement at all :/
he said that they barely use any elgg code
I've looked into Minds engine code pretty deeply and this statement is pretty true. There's an awful lot of vestigial Elgg 1.8 code remaining, but they've deprecated almost all of it, significantly changed a lot, and their true bootstrap is completely different. They are using views in plugins, but their plugins barely resemble ours. They have a new unified event system with some hacks to support Elgg-style hook/event handlers. While they use ElggObject, ->save() and elgg_get_entities() are rewritten to use Cassandra. Basically the (very old) Elgg bits that they're still using are probably a liability at this point, stuff lying about that doesn't really work due to changes elsewhere. Elgg did its job: it allowed them to launch more quickly, but probably scaled poorly.
Because I think this wasn't really an announcement for opensource or collaboration, it's a "hey, hey, look at me!" announcement.
I saw it at https://www.minds.com/about but is not clear this sentence how long was online.
@RvR do you have more info about it?
Hi All,
@Stevan - yes we are still using cassandra and it is working great. Scalability on the data side of things is no longer an issue.
@Roger Curry & @Alessandro Strazzari - we are still working hard to solidify all the code and we will be open sourcing when the time is right
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