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  • Lumiere replied on the discussion topic Integrating a Forum
    After examining the cookies that are created when doing an elgg logon and doing a joomla logon I notice thatBoth logins create cookies with the domain of and with a path of / which is correct and what I am looking forHowever, the joomla... view reply
  • Lumiere replied on the discussion topic Integrating a Forum
    Has anyone managed to get dual login working with jfusion and elgg ? I am intersted in having elgg as the master and joomla as the slave. I have it working when I log into joomla first and then go to my elgg homepage but not the other way around view reply
  • Lumiere replied on the discussion topic Integrating a Forum
    Thanks Brett ! view reply
  • Lumiere replied on the discussion topic Sending notification of a group invitation
    Ok, I found a mail in a spam box but even the mail seems wrong.  It says ------------------------------ Hi Lumiere, You have been invited to join the 'Username Of User B' group, click below to confirm: Name Of Group... view reply
  • Lumiere replied on the discussion topic Sending notification of a group invitation
    but not in the internal messaging of elgg? Why does it not trigger a message in internal elgg messaging? Is there some way of triggering an internal elgg message? Why does friend request trigger an internal elgg message but group invite does not? view reply
  • Lumiere added a new discussion topic Sending notification of a group invitation in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Fairly newbie question but I am not seeing a notification being sent for group invitations I sent a group invitation from user a to user b. I am logged in as user b in a different browser User does not get any notification that they were invited...
    • but not in the internal messaging of elgg?

      Why does it not trigger a message in internal elgg messaging?

      Is there some way of triggering an internal elgg message?

      Why does friend request trigger an internal elgg message but group invite does not?

    • Ok, I found a mail in a spam box but even the mail seems wrong.  It says


      Hi Lumiere,

      You have been invited to join the 'Username Of User B' group, click below
      to confirm:

      Name Of Group here


      Which raises 4 questions

      1. Why do friend requests trigger internal notifications and group invites to closed groups dont? 

      This is not consistent.

      I have seen a plugin that presents both in a widget but it does not work in 1.7.4 (accepting the requests causes an error)

      2. Why does the email say - You have been invited to join the 'Username Of User B' group - surely it should say 'You have been invited to join the 'Name of Group here' group

      3. Why does the text below in the email say the name of the group.  Surely it should say 'view invite''

      4. Why is it not a clickable link that takes you to the invite?  It's just plain text which means the user has no way of clicking to accept when they get the email

      This is core elgg and yet it does not seem to work at all.

    • 1. The group plugin need refactored and doesn't support internal notifications.  Notifications need to be decoupled from internal messages anyway.  There's a ticket for that.

      2 & 3.  In 1.7.5 the invitation email to a closed group says:


      Hi Brett,

      admin invited you to join the 'Test' group. Click below to view your invitations:

      4. The email is sent not sent in HTML to be compatible the as many email clients as possible.  Many clients will automatically create clickable links from URLs.  A user can copy and paste the URL into a browser to view invitations.


  • Lumiere replied on the discussion topic How to control the behaviour of the popup system messages
    I still get 'you have sucessfully logged out' messages view reply
  • Lumiere replied on the discussion topic Renaming Groups to GUILDS
    The "groups as communities" looks nice but is there really only one release of it? He talks about updating it to support the really popular plugins like event calendar and tiny pics but that was 1 year ago Also the two bugs : 1. On the drop down... view reply