but not in the internal messaging of elgg?
Why does it not trigger a message in internal elgg messaging?
Is there some way of triggering an internal elgg message?
Why does friend request trigger an internal elgg message but group invite does not?
Ok, I found a mail in a spam box but even the mail seems wrong. It says
Hi Lumiere,
You have been invited to join the 'Username Of User B' group, click below
to confirm:
Name Of Group here
Which raises 4 questions
1. Why do friend requests trigger internal notifications and group invites to closed groups dont?
This is not consistent.
I have seen a plugin that presents both in a widget but it does not work in 1.7.4 (accepting the requests causes an error)
2. Why does the email say - You have been invited to join the 'Username Of User B' group - surely it should say 'You have been invited to join the 'Name of Group here' group
3. Why does the text below in the email say the name of the group. Surely it should say 'view invite''
4. Why is it not a clickable link that takes you to the invite? It's just plain text which means the user has no way of clicking to accept when they get the email
This is core elgg and yet it does not seem to work at all.
1. The group plugin need refactored and doesn't support internal notifications. Notifications need to be decoupled from internal messages anyway. There's a ticket for that.
2 & 3. In 1.7.5 the invitation email to a closed group says:
Hi Brett,
admin invited you to join the 'Test' group. Click below to view your invitations:
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