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  • koomar added a new discussion topic Fatal error: Exception #1349094076 in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Hello, When I leave a comment in a friend's wall, elgg gives me this fatal error, and says that:  It has been found a fatal error while log in. Contact an administrator with the next information: Exception #1349094076. When I click "back"...
  • koomar added a new discussion topic How to install Elgg in Byethost in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Hi, Does anyone know how to install elgg in byethost? It's because I try to install in it, but i get an error when I am installing it. Specially it's the error on the "data folder" that it says: "the dara folder you put is not writible". I have...
    • Hi koomar,

      I had the same problem as yours, and when I contacted Byethost free hosting support, they said it's impossible to write files outside their htdocs folder.

      So what I did instead, is the following:

      1. Install elgg in a subdirectory within the byethost's htdocs folder (i.e. in /htdocs/elgg)

      2. Create the data directory within the the htdocs folder (i.e. in /htdocs/elgg-data)

      3. Configure .htaccess in /htdocs/elgg and uncomment the RewriteBase line, so that the URL Rewrites will work properly.

      4. Protect your elgg-data from unauthorized access! Create an .htaccess file within /htdocs/elgg-data so it contains the following:

      Order deny,allow
      Deny from all

      That will protect elgg-data from being accessed from the browser.

      You will now be able to access the elgg site at

      Now, what if they access (without the /elgg)? It's pretty simple.

      Create an .htaccess file within /htdocs containing the following:

      DirectoryIndex elgg/index.php

      So that when you access the site without /elgg, it automatically redirects to the /elgg.

      Just sharing what I did to make it work, and hope it helps.

  • koomar joined the group Elgg Technical Support