I am using
Anybody an idea?
don't think users are barred from editing their profile and therefore the 'default' widgets -- so they can move , delete, replace... if they wanted to ;) It's *their profile unless you code some code logic to block them doing so. we had same problem of fbfk, but those pesky kids not dumbos - and they did what they wanted to their widgets ;-P so much for our admin programming brains!?!! but i believe 'mj' might have coded something funky to block them anyways...!
Anybody an idea?
Are you doing a clean install or upgrading?
Rodolfo Hernandez
Arvixe/Elgg Community Liaison
Hi mate,
I did a completely new install...however, I just got a message from a friend with the solution.
To all: If somebody else has the same problem, this is what I had to do. WHM -- Softare -- Apache Update -- then click enable MBstring --actually very simple, just didn't know it ;-)
@Dhrup: This is how it looks like when i try to create a post...on the bottom you have the normal uploader...and on top of the text box is the embed function...
@All: Thank you very much for your help. However, I'm not a very good programmer...if anybody could guide me in a little more detail that would be mostly appreciated. I'm also happy to pay a few dollars if it takes a little more time.
Hmmm.. Seems at least 2 options here -> Which one of the Image UpLoaders to keep, which to discard.. <ost likely some bit of coding to achieve.. PM or EMail if yew wanna discuss or fix tonight (USA Time;-) before I take my 3x medications ;-P
@Dhrup: Thank you very much for your assistance. I want to keep the bottom one and kick out the embed on the top...but just for this plugin...can we discuss here...doesn't have to be tonight...because maybe it's of value to others, too...
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