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Group membership


  • GeorgeB. added a new discussion topic Replacing Page handlers in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Hi, I'm trying to translate all page handlers to Portuguese. for instance I want to translate into can that be done? Is there a plugin for that? thanks
  • GeorgeB. added a new discussion topic Problem with Redirect 301 in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Hi, I have translated a few page handlers for SEO reasons. So, for instance, instead of it is now However, I want to add a redirect 301 on my .htaccess so every old page handlers are...
  • GeorgeB. added a new discussion topic Quick question - Performance in the group Performance and Scalability
    Hi, Quick question: Will I see any performance gain if I replace every elgg_get_site_url() call on my elgg site by something like echo "" ? Is it worth doing that? thanks!
  • GeorgeB. added a new discussion topic Show more members on Custom Index in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Hi, How do I display more members on my Custom Index? Currently, the limit is 10. The code is  echo elgg_view_module('featured',  elgg_echo("custom:members"), $vars['members'], $mod_params); How do I change the number of members to be...
    • Look at index.php of mod/custom_index/

    • This is how I did it

      <div class="index_box">

      <?php $newest_members = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata(array('metadata_names' => 'icontime', 'types' => 'user', 'limit' => 15));


                  <h2><?php echo elgg_echo("custom:members"); ?></h2>

                  <div class="contentWrapper">


                      if(isset($newest_members)) {

                          //display member avatars

                          foreach($newest_members as $members){

                              echo "<div align=\"center\" class=\"index_members\">";

                              echo elgg_view("profile/icon",array('entity' => $members, 'size' => 'small'));

                              echo "</div>";




             <div class="clearfloat"></div>



  • GeorgeB. replied on the discussion topic Problem with blog drafts.
    Yes, the group blog page. Any draft that belongs to a group is lost. Unless I log in as administrator. That way I can see all drafts. What can I do? view reply
  • GeorgeB. added a new discussion topic Problem with blog drafts. in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Hi, I'm using elgg 1.8.1 and I have applied this change: - I don't want drafts to be shown on the group module. Ok, so for so good. The problem is: where...
  • GeorgeB. replied on the discussion topic Order of widgets on group profiles
    Which file do I need to edit to set these priorities? Thanks! view reply
  • GeorgeB. replied on the discussion topic Where to find "groups/tool_lastest"
    Hi Steve! I've tried that google search already, as I'm trying to figure out how to change the order that the widgets appear on the group profile page... However I couldn't figure it out yet. I know there are plugins designed to change the group... view reply