Eleazar Robaina

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    Eleazar Robaina
  • Eleazar Robaina added a new discussion topic Some suggestions for the future in the group Feedback and Planning
    1. It would be great if elgg completely rename files that are uploaded to the platform through the plugin files as dumb server when those uploads that contain especales characters, the letter ñ or stress stop working and is an odyssey to...
    • Just received a letter from one of our clients:

      We are considering Elgg for some social networking functionality. We also need some specialized customization. For instance, we need to be able to categorize each new member into one of two groups, members or sponsors, with sponsors being the monetization engine.

      We need to be able to use geo-location to connect sponsors and members that are located within a certain radius.

      We need compatibility with third party merchant accounts (could this be done with Html as opposed to the Elgg Platform?).

      We need the ability to geo-locate members and sponsors with a mobile version through GPS presumably).

      The general functionality of the social network would include friend activity feed, groups, discussions, blogs, chat, video, photos and a social share functionality to Facebook, Twitter, etc.

    • 1. There may already be an issue to do this. Agreed server files should not use user-given names.

      2. The developers plugin does allow logging all queries to the screen. Give it a shot. There are a few plugins for exploring the storage backend in various ways.

      3. and 4. We're making slow progress toward the system being completely managed by composer (command line). This will make upgrade as simple as modifying the version of elgg (or plugins) in your composer.json file and entering composer update. If you manage Elgg via git, it's already as easy as checking out the next tag to upgrade.

      7. We're much more vigilant about BC now, but Elgg's plugin API is hugely powerful and lets plugins swap out of lots of core functionality. There's a limit to how much we can protect sites from plugins that interfere with one another.

      All the others: Fine ideas if you can find more people to work on them. That work is probably already underway and the challenge is shining a light on it.

  • Eleazar Robaina added a new discussion topic Web services in elgg is bad in the group General Discussion
    Documentation of web services is bad. Examples zero. Examples of source code for mobile apps zero.   http://learn.elgg.org/en/1.9/guides/web-services.html?highlight=web%20services = bad.
    • I've edited your original post to remove the swearing.  Please refrain from swearing, we're here to help, but there's no need for strong language.

      First of all - there is an example on that page of creating a web services function

      Each project has its own requirements for what an API needs to do, so there isn't so much of an existing web services API, it is a framework that allows you to easily build your own, which is explained in the document.


      Examples of source code for mobile apps

      We are not mobile developers and this isn't a mobile platform.  The web services acts as an endpoint.  How you interact with it depends on the programming language being used.  If you need support for coding a mobile app you should seek support in a forum for mobile developers.

  • Eleazar Robaina added a new discussion topic Idea for news plugins: Taxonomy module drupal for Elgg in the group Plugin Development
    Hi!, I need a plugin type tanonomy module drupal, but for elgg. Add dictionary, terms, etc. Idea for elgg plugin developers :)
  • Eleazar Robaina added a new discussion topic Actividad en una página php in the group Elgg Spain
    Hola, quiero mostrar en un recuadro la actividad del sitio en una página php. Concretamente en el index de la página del plugin login required, quiero mostrar a los usuarios cuál ha sido la actividad antes de entrar en el sitio....
  • Eleazar Robaina added a new discussion topic Activity on box site php page in the group Plugin Development
    Hello, I want to show in a box site activity in a php page. Specifically in the index of login required plugin page, I want to show users what has been the activity before entering the site. Can anyone help as might be the PHP code to do this? Thank...