Thanks so much, folks!
Matt Beckett: We've noticed the search is rough on the servers - we're intending to offload to a Google Search Appliance pretty soon. Our other major issue is with mass messaging. Some of our user groups have up to several thousand members and things like emails for group notifications are putting up a huge load - although we currently have 4 servers running our Elgg network, so we're coping.
Our performance is presently pretty good - just a touch of slowdown during peak hours. Soon we'll be running testing with HP Loadrunner software to test the performance of high-priority transactions with 5,000 virtual users - I'd be happy to share the results as we'll be learning which transactions are the most troublesome and potentially some fixes for them.
Thanks for the responses!
The new notification system in 1.9 resolves this mass group notification issue.
Look forward to hearing the results of your tests.
The place to aggregate performance recommendations is here:
Security issues should be reported to!
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