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  • BSN added a new discussion topic Adding Events - Set Time Missing? in the group Event calendar
    Event Calendar - .85 (Latest from github)Elgg - 1.8.14, Version - 2013030600Apache - Apache/2.2.24 (Unix)PHP - 5.3.23 I am very new to Elgg - this is my first install of it. The event calendar is crucial to the organization's site I am working on....
    • I have installed a few Elgg sites which work very well. This is the first time I install the event calendar plugin and I'm getting the same issue: neither date nor time appear on the form, and all events I create are set to one hour from the moment I click "Save and continue". I've tried adjusting various parameters of the calendar but nothing changes.

      The only difference in my configuration wrt the one above is that I have PHP 5.3.3 on a Debian Squeeze server. The only plugins I have installed so far on this particular site are Profile Manager 7.5.1 and Event Calendar 0.85. Disabling Profile Manager doesn't change anything regarding Event Calendar.

      Any help would be warmly welcome as well.

  • BSN joined the group Event calendar