Thanks for the pull requests :)
You have to either use a new branch for each PR or specify the range (BASE and HEAD). Here's a good description of that process: (2nd answer).
Thanks Brett - that did it!
looks like u r asking abt the nuance oss CSS as a 'language syntax' ;) just goto e.g.w3cshools and browse some of their tutorials on css - there's much there that will help learning more easily.. cheers..
As I stated in the original post, I don't need an explanation of what the :after clause does, or its syntax. My question is rather what programming problem were the core guys solving when they used this technique to add (hidden) periods all over a page, or a string of (hidden) x's.
I don't know for sure but my best guess is cross-browser compatibility. That said I've never had to use anything like that to achieve my goals. That said, I'm pretty uncaring about decade old/fringe browsers.
Video works great here, though the sound is a little low. Next time I think mics would be a good idea.
Thanks to everyone who attended! It was the first of hopefully many more events in the future!
Re videos: It's been working fine for me too. Maybe just a bad time when you tried?
Re mics: We opted not to use them in the large room because we didn't want to blast our audio through the dev sessions. Not sure if you noticed but the wall separate the two rooms was just thin plastic! A directional mic for the recording equipment would be good for the next time, though!
Will San Fransisco be always the venue for the camps?Any plan of having it in Texas in near future?It would be easier for me to attend then in future :-)
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