Configure access to profile pages and permission to send private messages (side-wide configuration or optionally configurable by each user separately).
iionly 10 Aug, 2014 ()
Provides a simple chat based on Elgg.
iionly 18 Jun, 2014 ()
Lists users who are currently online on the top of the page body or in the sidebar or in both locations.
iionly 30 May, 2014 ()
Block malicious IP addresses (and the people behind them) from accessing your site or redirect them to your honeypot site.
iionly 27 Apr, 2014 ()
The news plugin allows admins and group owners to write announcements / news.
iionly 26 Apr, 2014 ()
German Language Pack for Elgg 1.9 including translations for bundled plugins.
iionly 13 Apr, 2014 ()
Change the branding of The Wire plugin.
iionly 19 Sep, 2013 ()
Get userpoints as reward for work done.
iionly 11 Sep, 2013 ()
Show group members with most userpoints on group profile page.
iionly 14 Jul, 2013 ()
This plugin disables the Elgg system log.
iionly 07 Jul, 2013 ()
Security issues should be reported to!
©2014 the Elgg Foundation
Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
Icons by Flaticon and FontAwesome.