A basic plugin skeleton with css extended to answer the question "How do I edit Elgg css?"
Matt Beckett 23 Jan, 2012 ()
Easily change the default display of date/time
Matt Beckett 31 Dec, 2011 ()
Configurable time-based limits to content creation to assist in managing spam abuse.
Matt Beckett 27 Nov, 2011 ()
Configurable time-based limits to content creation to assist in managing spam abuse.
Matt Beckett 27 Nov, 2011 ()
Provides a simpler interface for managing friend collections
Matt Beckett 09 Sep, 2011 ()
Allows users to select multiple access groups for a single piece of content
Matt Beckett 06 Sep, 2011 ()
Allow video embedding to blog posts, comments, messages, pages and the wire.
Matt Beckett 01 Sep, 2011 ()
Blocks registrations using external service stopforumspam.com, internal domain blacklist and internal e-mail blacklist.
Matt Beckett 01 Aug, 2011 ()
A helper plugin for Speak Freely, allows content owners to moderate anonymous comments
Matt Beckett 20 Jul, 2011 ()
Security issues should be reported to security@elgg.org!
©2014 the Elgg Foundation
Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
Icons by Flaticon and FontAwesome.