Allows users and admins to edit any comment they have permissions for
Matt Beckett 07 May, 2012 ()
Makes the profile/dashboard pages widget more customizable
Matt Beckett 20 Apr, 2012 ()
Makes the profile/dashboard group membership widget more customizable
Matt Beckett 20 Apr, 2012 ()
Makes the profile/dashboard files widget more customizable
Matt Beckett 20 Apr, 2012 ()
Makes the profile/dashboard bookmarks widget more customizable
Matt Beckett 20 Apr, 2012 ()
Makes the profile/dashboard blog widget more customizable
Matt Beckett 20 Apr, 2012 ()
Provides shared libraries for the AU Widgets plugins
Matt Beckett 20 Apr, 2012 ()
Allows users to delete (or cancel) their own accounts
Matt Beckett 01 Apr, 2012 ()
Dynamically rewrite the "page handler" portion of a url
Matt Beckett 19 Mar, 2012 ()
Security issues should be reported to!
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Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
Icons by Flaticon and FontAwesome.