Allows users to create custom activity pages based on groups and access collections
Matt Beckett 26 May, 2012 ()
This provides a group widget that shows recent group member activities across the whole site
Matt Beckett 24 May, 2012 ()
Redirects new users to a customizable page after the first login.
Matt Beckett 23 May, 2012 ()
Sets non-object oriented river items to private access (eg. friend relationships)
Matt Beckett 19 May, 2012 ()
Users can be notified when someone comments on an entity/discussion they have previously commented on
Matt Beckett 16 May, 2012 ()
Configurable tabbed widget for arbitrary text/HTML
Matt Beckett 10 May, 2012 ()
Highly configurable plugin to display content by specified tags
Matt Beckett 08 May, 2012 ()
Helps users find friends based on mutual friends and group membership
Matt Beckett 07 May, 2012 ()
Security issues should be reported to!
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