Allows persistent logon over more than one browser/computer
Jerome Bakker 17 Nov, 2010 ()
Linked in login via OAuth. Imports name, headline (as brief description) and profile pic.
hash 16 Nov, 2010 ()
You can add a facebook and twitter button on your login or register page, used oauth
Dario Agliottone 11 Nov, 2010 ()
Registration form plugin is a simple validation plugins that works on jquery.
Chandrasekar 12 Oct, 2010 ()
Fully working Fb Connect plugin for elgg 1.7.3 etc
Mark Bridges 06 Oct, 2010 ()
Eliminates the "username" field and forces users to login using their e-mail address
Lenny 06 Jul, 2010 ()
Checks user name avaiability and password strenght with jquery. The password strenght is based in "Password strength checker", thanks Team Webgalli.
Leo de Carvalho 28 Jun, 2010 ()
Security issues should be reported to!
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