Warning: This plugin has't been updated in over 55 years. It may no longer be maintained.
What you can do to help:
HEADS UP! This theme has been upgraded http://community.elgg.org/plugins/1528463/1.0/kestrel
Last release 2.1 with many bugfixes check it out
Contact me at stan@wisb.me if you need more info
Tested on : 1.8.3 to 1.8.8
I wanted to share my work with the community so here is a theme inspired by Evan's amazing facebook theme...
Features :
Optimization :
I hope you will appreciate this piece of work, and you'll recommand it. And don't forget to check this page for updates
New :
- a documentation website is linked is the archive for Elgg developers, it's nealy finished.
- You are able to modify the right sidebar in the dashboard
- I added a page "Thanks" you can also edit
- Many bugfixes from cool_theme 1.0
- For the dropdown menu, it should fine in I.E now
- to upgrade for cool_theme 1.0, just read the readme.md
Use this theme with the option "walled garden" in your settings. You can edit the page in the plugin I show you the way :-)
You are free to use it, but feel free to make a donation, this will help my college fees
thank you Jose Israel Azofeifa Retana for your donation, it allows me to pay my domain :-)
Contact me in any case at stan@wisb.me
View Staszek's plugins
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Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
Icons by Flaticon and FontAwesome.