[Elgg 1.8-1.12 & 2.X & 3.X: Unvalidated Email Change]

Warning: This plugin has't been updated in over 5 years. It may no longer be maintained.

What you can do to help:

Change the email of users before account validation.

Last updated
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End of life of the Unvalidated Email Change plugin!!!

On Elgg 3.1 or newer the functionality of this plugin has been added to Elgg core. Therefore, it's no longer necessary to use this plugin on Elgg 3.1 or newer and so there's no need for me to keep this plugin updated for Elgg 3.1 or newer. The plugin will continue to work as it is on Elgg 3.0 or older (if you can't upgrade to a recent version of Elgg) but there's no need to release any new plugin version(s) for these Elgg versions either.




This plugin uses the elgg_register_ajax_view() function introduced with Elgg 1.8.3. Therefore you need to have at least Elgg 1.8.3 installed. You also need to have the bundled uservalidationbyemail plugin enabled and the unvalidatedemailchange plugin must be placed below it.

There are also a versions for Elgg 1.9 or newer available.

What this plugin does:

This plugin adds the option to change the email address of unvalidated user accounts to the Elgg core unvalidated user account administration page (menu option "Administer" - "Users" - "Unvalidated" in admin section). This option might be useful in case the email address provided when registering the account is invalid (for example only due to a typo) and therefore resending of the validation email to the orginal address is doomed to bounce. If you know the correct address for this user, you can change the email address and then resend the validation email to the new email address.


  • I had gotten used to have the email change function available with the simpleusermanagement plugin by Pjotr Savitski in Elgg 1.7 and earlier. The built-in unvalidated user administration page was a nice addition to Elgg core but I was missing the email change function. Porting the complete simpleusermanagement plugin to Elgg 1.8 would have added some redundant features, so I decided to only implement the email change option. Nonetheless, I want to thank Pjotr for the simpleusermanagement plugin that is the basis of this plugin.
  • Thanks a lot also to DhrupDeScoop and Matt Beckett who helped me a lot to get the ajax-driven Lightbox popup correctly implemented.


  1. If you have a previous version of the Unvalidated Email Change plugin installed, first remove the old unvalidatedemailchange plugin folder from your mod directory before copying/extracting the new version to your server,
  2. Copy the unvalidatedemailchange plugin folder into you mod folder,
  3. Enable the unvalidatedemailchange plugin in the admin section of your site.


  • Category: User admin
  • License: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
  • Updated: 2021-2-7
  • Downloads: 3144
  • Recommendations: 10

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