[Elgg 1.8-1.12 & 2.X & 3.X: Elggx Fivestar] v2.0.1

Release Notes

  • Make sure no empty view lines  (and no newline at the end of view lines string) are saved when saving plugin settings,
  • Set plugin defaults in activate.php instead of doing it via start.php.
  • Hello, 

    I set default views but it is not working. 


  • @Irda There seems a problem / a change in Elgg 2.3 resulting in the Fivestar plugin no longer displaying the voting widget. I need to investigate to figure out what the problem is and how to fix it. May I ask which version of Elgg you are using - Elgg 2.3.0 or a previous version?

  • The current latest version 2.0.1 of the Fivestar plugin doesn't work on Elgg 2.3 indeed due to some changes in Elgg 2.3 in the class names used for the html elements the Fivestar plugin parses for to add the rating widget to. A new version of the Fivestar plugin for Elgg 2.3 is in the works.


  • Category: Misc
  • License: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
  • Updated: 2020-8-23
  • Downloads: 12103
  • Recommendations: 29

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