Warning: This plugin has't been updated in over 54 years. It may no longer be maintained.
What you can do to help:
Just an update of the plugin installer originally created by ColdTrick modified to work with elgg 1.8 - I do not claim to have created this plugin.
Most functions still work, the most important of which being install, uninstall and export plugins.
To install this plugin, unzip it and upload into your mod folder via ftp and activate like you would any other plugin. After you do this, you should have a new menu item on the right called Plugin Installer.... I haven't had any problem using this plugin though I cannot assume that I know what your elgg environment is going to be like and cannot assure this will work on all elgg installs. I've been using the plugin installer since 1.0 and 1.8 is the first that I had to modify any code to make it work "right" so I thought I would share with the community. Hope this works for you.
View Mistress RavenGoth's plugins
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