[Elgg 1.7: Full age restriction checkbox]

Warning: This plugin has't been updated in over 54 years. It may no longer be maintained.

What you can do to help:

This plugin adds a checkbox on the register form for new users to confirm they're of full age

Last updated

This plugin adds a "confirm age" checkbox on the register form. New users must confirm they are of full age (or any other age range you have in mind - just modify the language file then) before they are allowed to join. There's no verification of any kind if the users really are as old as they say, but at least you have asked them prior registration...


* This plugin is dedicated to TFSI in case she finds it useful - lol *


  • Category: Uncategorized
  • License: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
  • Updated: 1970-1-1
  • Downloads: 843
  • Recommendations: 3

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