Warning: This plugin has't been updated in over 54 years. It may no longer be maintained.
What you can do to help:
seeksearch plugin provide a replacement of the core "search" plugin, for a p2p external node engine.
you have more info about here:
when you install this plugin, you are automatically connected to the experimental search node of Lorea:
maybe is recommended, that you create your own seeks node, or to connect your seeksearch to a different search node.
you need to edit index.php and put your url.
$results = file_get_contents('http://dev.lorea.org:8081/search?expansion=1&action=expand&output=json&q=' . urlencode("$tag"). $start);
thats it!.
all kind of ideas and contributions are welcome.
say "bye bye" to big brother.
View psy's plugins
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