HTML email handler v4.0

Release Notes

4.0 (2016-01-20):

  • changed: require Elgg 2.0
  • changed: test page attachments have a filename
  • fixed: powered by Elgg logo location
  • hello I got an issue with the plugin "html_email_handler (guid : 60) ne peut pas démarrer et a été désactivé. Raison : Impossible d'inclure start.php pour le plugin html_email_handler (GUID : 60) sur C:/wamp64/www/elgg/mod/html_email_handler. Vérifiez les autorisations !".


  • Unfortunately I get an 500 Internal Server Error, when I try to configure the design via Theme Sandbox. I just try to deactivate all plugins that might be 3rd party and find the error there. My configuration:

    elgg 2.1.1

    Apache 2.2.15 (CentOS)

    php 5.6.9

  • @Hanzolo

    Unfortunately I get an 500 Internal Server Error, when I try to configure the design via Theme Sandbox. I just try to deactivate all plugins that might be 3rd party and find the error there.

    How did you install the plugin? Download from here, composer install, git download? What does the error_log say?

  • I downloaded it from here, unpacked it, uploaded it to my mod directory, activated it and ran upgrade. Strangely my error_log doesn't say a thing... I have one, but there is almost nothing in it. Will check those settings too

Jerome Bakker

Developer @ ColdTrick IT Solutions


  • Category: Communication
  • License: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
  • Updated: 2021-9-28
  • Downloads: 10874
  • Recommendations: 35

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