Westors Elgg Manager

Warning: This plugin has't been updated in over 55 years. It may no longer be maintained.

What you can do to help:

Comfortable RIA (Rich Internet Application) interface for various functions. Users can view and edit external contacts, send e-mails, manage their friends and groups. Admins can manage Elgg users, groups, external contacts, bulk messages and SMS.

Last updated

This cool plugin is helpful for admins and for normal users. A comfortable AJAX interface helps to manage users, friends, external contacts, groups and messages. One can send bulk e-mail and SMS to a bunch of users or friends. You can easily search in your messages history.

Admins have more options then normal users, like delete or edit user data, block or unblock user, activate or deactivate.

SMS functions are supported. Please contact me for your use cases and special backend connections you want to have.

The instruction manual comes in form of some screenshots with comments. Please visit the projects home.

If you like the plugin, please click on the "Recommendations" link in the upper right.


Please visit my elgg communities, e.g. http://www.fitnesswelt.com


  • Category: User admin
  • License: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
  • Updated: 1970-1-1
  • Downloads: 20284
  • Recommendations: 87

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