Shibboleth Auth for 1.8

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Shibboleth authentication mod

Last updated

This is a bare bones Shibboleth authentication mod for Elgg. It does not yet have an admin UI, and is currently only configurable by extending a default configuration class (read: PHP coding required).

How It Works

The plugin provides two URLs by which Shibboleth users can login/register or logout. When Shibboleth users register, their username is taken from a member of $_SERVER, a private setting is added to their account so they can be recognized as a shib_auth user in the future, and their password is set to a long random string to make their account inaccessible from other login methods.


  • Category: Authentication
  • License: Modified BSD license
  • Updated: 1970-1-1
  • Downloads: 1265
  • Recommendations: 0

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