Warning: This plugin has't been updated in over 55 years. It may no longer be maintained.
What you can do to help:
*** SPECIAL NOTE!! Please Rename the Folder in this Zip file AFTER you have Backed Up your Original Bookmarks Folder in the /mod directory. The folder in this ZIP file once you put it in the /mod directory must be Re-named to: bookmarks
I want to give thanks for an idea that started with Ping.FM and their Bookmarklet Pop Up Window code. Like all things create a BackUp of the original Elgg Bookmark Folder in the Mod directory if you ever want to go back to that one. Just Unzip the folder bookmarks_PopUp into your /mod directory and go into Admin to enable and turn on the plugin. Then you go back to your bookmarklet page and you need to re-install your bookmarklet to your browser (tested works in Firefox and IE 8) and now you got a Pop Up Window! I am looking for someone to add to this create a Auto Close with a slight Delay like Facebook has or Digg.com and Scuttle. Please let me know if you can do this!
So make sure you first Disabled your current bookmarks plugin then Re-name that folder to like bookmarks_backup and then place the bookmarks_PopUp folder into /mod and rename it to: bookmarks then enable to plugin then you need to re-install your own bookmarklet on what ever browser you had it on or all of them.
If you want to go back to the original bookmarks then you just reverse the process you Disable this new bookmark plugin then re-name your back up back to bookmarks then Enable it again.
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