Warning: This plugin has't been updated in over 55 years. It may no longer be maintained.
What you can do to help:
It's my first plugin or the be honest it's a simple hack to internationalize the original External Pages plugin by Curverider.
This plugin requires the TranslationBrowser plugin v2.1b by Translation Browser Team
I don't know why, but the TidyPics plugins is in conflict with this plugin and others. How ? It's impossible to translate any page with the translator_selector plugin when you are not logged :( I don't understand yet why but if you have any idea. Let me know or the TidyPics plugin author(s) :)
This plugin works with the Elgg core 1.6.1 and the TranslationBrowser plugin 2.1b. I don't try it with others Elgg Core or TranslationBrowser version.
I let you see by yourself the differences between the original plugin and this hack :) It's a diet story :P
Copy paste the plugin folder in your mod folder and remove/backup the original External Pages plugin
Last Words
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