Warning: This plugin has't been updated in over 55 years. It may no longer be maintained.
What you can do to help:
VideoWhisper 2 Way Video Chat is a P2P high definition web video communication software designed for instant 1 on 1 online video conferencing. It's a solution for conducting easy to setup face to face meetings without leaving your office or home. It's the easiest and most cost-effective way to meet somebody and discuss one on one.
Elgg Plugin
This web based Video Chat plugin can easily be installed on Elgg to enable 2 way video chat. Users are allowed to create unlimited video chat rooms where 2 participants can video chat using their webcams and microphones.
Users can show latest rooms they created on their profile and dashboard with widgets and also these are displayed on the wall (river). This is inteded for private 1 on 1 video chat so users can make video chat rooms accessible just for their friends or groups. This way others will not disturb.
To test a live demo of this video chat module for Elgg, just register a free account on CamFlock.com or InstantVideoConference.com (see homepage for links) and use Tools > Video Chat to browse rooms and create your own.
Installation Instructions for Elgg Video Chat
Go to Project Info > Plugin homepage from this page, to see latest instructions and documentation.
Before installing, make sure your hosting environment meets all special requirements. This software needs a RTMP server (Red5/Wowza/FMIS) for live interactions, in addition to standard Elgg requirements.
Extra Elgg Plugins to use with Elgg Video Chat Module
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Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
Icons by Flaticon and FontAwesome.