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Is there a mechanism to simulate the effect of 'Show a top row on the index page' plugin setting in previous versions?
Is there a mechanism also to make a widget to spread over more than one column (like in old versions) while others are not?
No this has been removed in v12
No, this was never a feature. Maybe you have this mixed up with only a partial topbar row
Thank you for your prompt reply!
Maybe you are right for the Custom Index. If I chose "Two columns aligned left" for "Show a top row on the index page" and place a a widget, naturally it takes two columns wide. Underneath that row, I could place widgets which take one column. BUT, if I wanted, I could move one of those one-column-wide widgets move under "top row", I could get that one-row-wide widget expand to two columns.
For the group widgets, this was possible as long as the widget was the first widget OR it was under another two-column-wide widget. Thus, you could have one or more two-column-wide widgets stacked and followed by two one-column-wide widgets. But then any other widget that you place underneath had to be one-column-wide widget.
Anyway. I am just testing around, trying to understand what has changed.
A note: I realize that now Widget manager 14.1.1 has an extra setting for group widgets "Number of widget columns in a group". In my case set to 2. This was not there in VM 8.3.2. Probably it is related to new behaviour.