SimplePie RSS Feed Integrator

Warning: This plugin has't been updated in over 55 years. It may no longer be maintained.

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Display feed of external blog on a user's profile

by Cash
Last updated

This is a RSS/Atom Feed Integrator (stable, but limited in features). This version provides a simple widget for adding an external feed to a user's profile. The widget is called "RSS Feed" by default but you can change that in the languages file. I wrote this for users who wanted their own external blog feed on their profiles.

I am not using any CSS specific to this widget beyond some spacing so it should pick up your theme if the theme is complete (h4 and h2 are used, not much else).


  • RSS and Atom support (see SimplePie's documentation)
  • Cache feeds so every page load doesn't require a fetch
  • Feed discovery (type in and it picks up the feed - doesn't always work depending on site)
  • Users set basic options: number of entries, datetime stamp, include excerpt
  • Widget could be added multiple times to profile and dashboard

Project Info


  • Category: Widgets
  • License: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
  • Updated: 1970-1-1
  • Downloads: 10757
  • Recommendations: 24

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