Upgraded for Elgg 5.x compatibility
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I appreciate you for your work. I want to use it but I don't know how to import the photos which I uploaded in another elgg plugin "tidypics". Could you help me please?
Hello. At first the tidypics should be enabled and also you have to enable the "Tidypics import" on eGalleries settings.
Then, for each eGalleries album view you will see a button "Import from tidypics". By clicking on it you can select a "tidypics album" and import all photos on your current "eGalleries album".
I hope this helps.
This is a Tidypics issue but, as can see at https://elgg.org/plugins/385077 or the code repository, Tidypics is not available yet on Elgg 5.x.
The import functionality has been tested on Elgg 4.3.x. where the Tidypics works fine.
Nikos thanks for your interest.
I reinstalled elgg4.x, version and then installed egallery and tidypics plugin. They both work properly. Two of my albums in tidypics have got a lot photos in. When tried to import them in egallery albums it produced two errors below
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 8992001 bytes) in G:\easyphp\EasyPHP-Devserver-17\eds-www\usumda.com\vendor\imagine\imagine\src\Gd\Image.php on line 778
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded in G:\easyphp\EasyPHP-Devserver-17\eds-www\usumda.com\vendor\doctrine\dbal\src\Driver\PDO\Statement.php on line 101
How can I overcome these two errors? I tried to increase the values of max_execution_time as 360 and memory_limit as 256 in php settings and restart the server but nothing has changed.
Obviously it's getting out of memory due to large number of photos.
I might try to fix this when I find time.