Job Board Manager v1.04

Release Notes

  • Added phone validation
  • Added iMask library
  • Added missing language strings
  • First of all thanks for your plugin "job manager". It is useful. I installed it and made its Turkish translation via by translation editor.But I have problem of inode overrun on my hosting service. So I had to delete some plugins. Then I realized that deleting the directory of job-board in the modules directory (/mod) after deactivating leaves some issues back. After deleting, I saw it in the plugins but in pink background in a situation that cannot be activated or deactivated even leave the remains, activating section.

  • Your hosting service program isn't right. You need to change the server with a better hosting program. We have our site hosted at Hosting Services There the inodes overrun is never a problem because they offer unlimited space and file counts.

  • I will consider your suggestion. But my problem is a bit different. Regarding your plugin, after deactivating the plugin and deleting the plugin directory via cpanel, I noticed that it could not be completely removed from the plugin page in the administration. It says "Cannot be activated. Missing composer.json for plugin ID... " on a pink background. How can remove it?

  • Hi Fazli, sorry for the late reply. I've been busy, anyways that's weird and related to the hosting provider. I installed on a shared hosting that I have with no issues.

  • I want to uninstall the Job Board Manager plugin that I installed to try, but I couldn't do it from the admin panel! When I delete the "job-board-manager" folder in .."/mod/" with the file manager on my server's cpanel, and then look at the plugins section in the elgg admin panel, a warning appears on a pink background stating that the "Job Manager" plugin cannot be found. This also bothers me. I have never had this happen to me before. The plugin manufacturer claims that this is caused by my server, but I have tried this type of plugin before and was able to delete it without any problems by following the same path. Therefore, I don't think it is caused by the server. I think there is a problem with the plugin's removal part. I ask for help from friends who can help me overcome this problem and offer ideas.

  • I tried yet cannot reproduce the issue.

  • Job_board_manager

    What I want to say is just this. but I guess my English was not enough to explain my problem, so I felt the need to send this screen shot to you.
    I use the latest version of elgg 6.1.1 ,  with PHP 8.3.14, mariadb v10.6.19-MariaDB

    I installed the job-manager plugin to try it out. I had to delete it. As I did with other plugins, and as it hasn't got an uninstall unit, I deleted this plugin on the cpanel provided by my hosting service, using the file manager, by deleting the "job-board-manager folder" in the "/mod" folder. When I return to the plugins page, I see the attached image. I have never encountered such a problem in previous attempts. The deleted plugin is deleted without leaving anything behind, there were no such residues on my plugin page. This is the first time this has happened to me with the job-board-manager plugin. What can I do to remove this remain?

  • Hi rjcalifornia

    Thanks for your reply. But the issue on my website still continues. 

    I did some tests today, for the pink residue left by your plugin. With your permission, let me summarize what I did in order to reach the result more easily.
    Hoping that the reason for this pink residue was the traces left behind in the database, I searched for the plugin via the hosting cpanel, using phpmyadmin. First, I scanned the Guid ID in the elgg_entities table. I deleted the records that came up. I upgraded my system on the elgg administration page. When I went back to the plugin page to check, I saw that the problem was still there, only the guid id had changed. I scanned the elgg_entities table again with the new guid id, found it, and deleted it. When I looked at the plugin page, I saw that there was nothing but the guid id change, and the problem continued.
    I scanned the entire site database for the term "job_board_manager", and found its trace in the "elgg_metadata" table. There were 4 records in my first scan. After deleting them and upgrading my site management, when I looked at the plugin page, I saw that the problem was still there and not solved.

    When I went back to the database in phpmyadmin and scanned the phrase "job_board_manager" again, I saw that it was listed in the "elgg_metadata" folder, this time as a single line. I deleted it again, checked my site again, and saw the pink problem above there again.

    I understood that I will not be able to handle this. I understood that there is a file of the plugin in the system somewhere I do not know, and as I delete it, it replaces it.

  • If you remove from the file system, it should not appear at all. I've done the same procedure as you did and could not reproduce the issue.

  • The problem went away when Elgg was upgraded to version 6.1.2.


  • Category: Tools
  • License: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
  • Updated: 2024-11-21
  • Downloads: 832
  • Recommendations: 0

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