Release Notes

1.4 (2018-09-07):

  • added: option to prefill a field with a user attibute/profile field

1.3.2 (2018-05-31):

  • fixed: only show generic thankyou text if there is no custom text

1.3.1 (2018-05-17):

  • changed: when navigating form pages always scroll to top

1.3 (2018-01-25):

  • added: keep count of the number of form submissions

1.2 (2018-01-11):

  • added: option to automatically send a email copy to user filling in form

1.1 (2017-11-29):

  • changed: required input/checkboxes now expect at least one checked
  • fix: clear custom error messages correctly for input/radios
  • fix: correctly reset customErrorMessages for checkboxes
  • fix: forced correct order of tab clicking to prevent order issues
  • fix: unwanted element attributes are leaking to html

1.0.2 (2017-09-21):

  • fixed: conditional sections now working for radio and multiselect

1.0.1 (2017-07-31):

  • changed: replaced page title with an hr in an email
  • fixed: cell alignment in email incorrect

1.0 (2017-05-30):

  • removed: use of deprecated function

1.0-beta.1 (2017-02-27):

  • first release
  • Sir,
    I want to use this plugin. I have uploaded and activated, but as shown in your pictures, I cant find a way to replicate it. Does it require anypage plug or static page or any kind of supporting plug. The pictures that you have illustrated in building the forms using the plugin, how exactly it is done?

  • I should amend the docs/readme.

    Go to http://yoursite.tld/forms there you can configure the forms

  • @jeabakker

    Thanks I checked it out at
    I am wondering using this form can we make a simple feature like:

    Was this article helpful? Yes / No when either option is clicked the email goes out...... or it routes to admin panel and shows up as reported function? BTW what is definition / rules. could you give an example?

  • I am wondering using this form can we make a simple feature like:Was this article helpful? Yes / No when either option is clicked the email goes out

    Yes this can be done.

    BTW what is definition / rules. could you give an example?

    A definition is how a form is build, so what inputs are on the form, if certain choices are made, more form elements show up etc.

    Definitions can be exporte/imported, so you can make a form on your test/development site and then when you're happy you can import the finished form on your production site.

    Rules are there for input validation, for example if you ask for a zip code in a form field, that zip code could have a certain required for (for us in the Netherlands 4 numbers 2 letters, 1234AB) i can create a rule that validates that input if incorrect the form won't submit.

  • @jeabakker

    Thanks Sir, You are really helpful and kind. Thanks again for explaining. Appreciated.

Jerome Bakker

Developer @ ColdTrick IT Solutions


  • Category: Tools
  • License: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
  • Updated: 2024-6-28
  • Downloads: 2916
  • Recommendations: 3

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