[Elgg 2.x] AlwaysHTTPS.js

Warning: This plugin has't been updated in over 5 years. It may no longer be maintained.

What you can do to help:

AlwaysHTTPS.js keeps your website's HTTPS connection up at all times.

Last updated
Recommended Releases
Elgg Release Download Date Links
2.31.2 (2.68 kB)2018-Dec-06
2.21.2 (2.68 kB)2018-Dec-06
2.11.2 (2.68 kB)2018-Dec-06
2.01.2 (2.68 kB)2018-Dec-06
1.121.2 (2.68 kB)2018-Dec-06
1.111.2 (2.68 kB)2018-Dec-06
1.101.2 (2.68 kB)2018-Dec-06
1.91.2 (2.68 kB)2018-Dec-06
1.81.2 (2.68 kB)2018-Dec-06
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AlwaysHTTPS.js keeps your website's HTTPS connection up at all times. this is fixes an issue (in Elgg 1.8 or newer, including 3.x) that occurs when HTTPS and HTTP ports are open at the same website.


  • Category: Uncategorized
  • License: Expat (MIT) License
  • Updated: 2018-12-6
  • Downloads: 770
  • Recommendations: 0