Test panel

Limit site access to members of a specific group

Last updated
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Elgg Release Download Date Links
6.07.0 (22.42 kB)2024-Jul-04 (22.33 kB)2023-Dec-07 (22.33 kB)2023-Dec-07
4.35.0 (90.54 kB)2022-Aug-24
4.04.0 (89.81 kB)2021-Sep-28
3.33.0 (78.06 kB)2020-Jun-10
3.23.0 (78.06 kB)2020-Jun-10
3.13.0 (78.06 kB)2020-Jun-10
3.02.0 (76.01 kB)2019-Apr-09
2.31.1 (10.45 kB)2019-Mar-20
2.21.1 (10.45 kB)2019-Mar-20
2.11.1 (10.45 kB)2019-Mar-20
2.01.1 (10.45 kB)2019-Mar-20
1.121.1 (10.45 kB)2019-Mar-20
1.111.1 (10.45 kB)2019-Mar-20
1.101.1 (10.45 kB)2019-Mar-20
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Is your site almost ready for the general public, but still want some feedback? Or are you using a test/development version of your production site?

Surely you don't want to have everybody looking around, this plugin allows you to configure a group (or more) which members are allowed to access your site. All other members will get a notification (which you can configure) that access is currently limited to the test members.

Especially usefull on test sites which are a copy of a production site is that you can limit the outgoing e-mails to only the members of the test panel group(s).

Jerome Bakker

Developer @ ColdTrick IT Solutions


  • Category: User admin
  • License: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
  • Updated: 2024-7-4
  • Downloads: 2388
  • Recommendations: 2

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