Start collecting lead information with Mautic tracking pixel.
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Gerard,Thanks for developing Mautic plugin for elgg, Some few months ago I started to work Mautic with Gutwa Ads management system but got busy with other things in life. Hope to go back on it soon and finish the integration so that Elgg Site owners can use this wonderful tools to understand their audience, listen to them,and build a lasting relationship while serving targeted ads and campaign to overcome the challenges of modern marketing that new Elgg users face.
Good to hear Tom. I will take a closer look into your plugin. Integration with ADS management would be really cool from a Mautic point of view. One should indeed be able to personalize ADS based on what you already know from that user. Mautic can gather and profile the user.
Gerard, The Mautic profile information about the user can make it More Precise & Easier to target users with ads generated by Gutwa Ads Management system automatically when the Elgg users will be searching on Elgg site, watching videos on Elgg site or checking email on Elgg site.
Thanks Gerard.
I never hear of Mautic, but I see the huge advantages of it.
It seems like a great tool
@gerard maybe a little hint: mautic collect only anonymous leads till you set the specific lead-fields (e.g. "email") in Mautic to "Publicly updateable". Also it is important to add the custom fields "location" and "guid" if you wish to track these datas. Perhaps this was due to our local installation where a) we do not prepare mautic with user-datas and b) user access to the system with a single IP (Intranet).
@gerard, a small suggestion:
1. The variable $var['title'] is always empty. Maybe it is better to use the context as title?
2. Maybe it is better to use the php-style for a more anonymous tracking code?
The script /views/default/mautic/mautic.php could look like that: