[Elgg 1.8-1.12 & 2.X - 3.X: Event Calendar] v1.10.3

Release Notes

  • Conversion all JS code to AMD modules,
  • Fix for event calendar's entries on group profile pages (with and without Widget Manager plugin used) to work correctly depending on the state of the corresponding Event Calendar plugin settings for group calendars,
  • Fixed region event filter to work correctly with fullcalendar,
  • Usage of profile images of event creators as event icon in lists and on the activity page instead of generic event icon,
  • Cleanup of unused image files,
  • "Add event" link added in group's event widget (when Widget Manager is used to manage group widgets),
  • Line break added before "Add event" link in group module (when Widget Manager not used) when no group events exist,
  • Cleanup of code used to display event infos in calendar list views to prevent an empty line to be added after the info,
  • New tool ("Administer" - "Utilities" - "Event Calendar") for removal of past events,
  • Code cleanup of plugin settings page.
  • is this suitable for use when a calendar input is needed in another plugin? e.g. can i use elements of this plugin if i want to add a calendar popup to my sorts/filters for entity lists? if so, is there a way provided to disable the main functionality of the plugin and just use the calendar input?

    (or is there a better plugin to use for my needs?)
    anyone know? thanks

    edit: ah, i just found the core view input/date - which probably does what i need.

  • If the core input view(s) are sufficient, I would suggest to use these. Otherwise, it might be better to re-implement any input views in your plugin instead of depending on the event calendar plugin if you don't need its functionality. Just adding the views to your plugin is most likely also much easier than trying to turning off all the actual functionality of the event calendar plugin (normally you want to make use of the features of a plugin you have enabled...).


  • Category: Events
  • License: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
  • Updated: 2023-4-2
  • Downloads: 9023
  • Recommendations: 12

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