Comment Access Sync

Warning: This plugin has't been updated in over 54 years. It may no longer be maintained.

What you can do to help:

Updates comment/discussion reply access any time an entity is updated

Last updated

Comment Access Sync

In Elgg comments and discussion replies have their own access id which controls who can see it. The access id is initially set to that of the content being commented on, however if the access of the entity changes, the access of the comments/discussion replies are not updated.

This can lead to confusing situations where some people can see comments that others can't on the same piece of content. People replying to comments that other people can't see breaks the flow of discussion and is generally not an expected behavior.

This plugin does 2 simple tasks.

  1. Updates comment/discussion reply access any time an entity is updated
  2. Retroactively fixes comment/discussion access on plugin activation and daily cron




Unzip to the mod directory of your Elgg installation and activate through the admin plugins page


Funding for this plugin has been provided by Connecting Conservation.

Arck Interactive

You imagine. We create. We develop custom social networks, content management systems and other rich internet applications. We help entrepreneurs and creative agencies breathe life into their visions. Let's start a conversation!

Project Info


  • Category: Communication
  • License: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
  • Updated: 1970-1-1
  • Downloads: 466
  • Recommendations: 2

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