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©2014 the Elgg Foundation
Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by Raül Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
Icons by Flaticon and FontAwesome.
not this working elgg 1:10
Deprecated in 1.9: elgg_register_entity_url_handler is deprecated. Use the plugin hook in \ElggEntity::getURL()
facebook plugin line team also activated and returns this message
Deprecated in 1.9: elgg_register entity url handler is deprecated. Use the plugin hook in \ Elgg Entity :: getURL (
@ Jaqueline , Thanks for your response. can you post the plugin file and the line that is giving you that error. I will be glad to assist you fix it.
intendi not, what should I do?
hello! i have a error. when I am starting my website. Put that I have 2 cover and 2 avatar. ???
Oh and bottom message imbox in cover the link do not start
How is this plugin supposed to work ? If enabled I am able to add a cover photo in profile settings, but it does not show up on my profile ?
@ Gerard, The Elgg Cover Photo is used to process and upload cover photo or pictures for elgg plugin called Facebook Timeline Theme . The current cover photo performs a number of server-side modifications on uploaded pictures (scaling, cropping, creating different sized thumbnails for cover picture that can be used by several small and even bigger devices). The previous versions of Elgg cover photo used to be independent photo processor and theme at the same time, but for now it is use just to process the Cover photo for Facebook Timeline Theme.
The cover photo plugin should be on top of the Facebook Timeline theme in the admin area. In the next release i will make it clear and easier for new users of this two plugins.
Ah, I see. Maybe add <requires> in manifest.xml ! I will try again with this other plugin.
@Gerard, I have used requires in the Facebook Timeline Theme's manifest.xml <requires<type>plugin</type><name>timeline_avatar</name></requires>. If i add <requires> in in the "elgg cover photo" timeline_avatar manifest.xml the admin will not be able to activate both plugins. Maybe i should add a check if facebook timeline theme is active condition and if false return a warning in the admin page or i might use activate.php file to check if the Facebook TImeline Theme is active and if not call a deactivate() function and through an error to the admin.
@Gerard, Thanks for your input. I have modified both plugins and now both plugins can now help the admin clear the confusion during plugin activation.
The new changes will be reflected in the next versions of both plugins.
First of all thanks for this plugin and facebook timeline theme. Great work!
I have installed this and also facebook timeline theme successfully and in proper order as above post says. My page appears without any coverphoto or avatar photo initially. I am admin so i goto accounts->Settings page and click "Edit Cover Photo". This shows me buttons for uploading a new timeline avatar and removing existing timeline avatar. I removed existing avatar (green message:successfully removed) and uploaded new image (851px by 315 px, .jpg image). Upload is also successful (Green message). But uploaded image not visible on my settings page. I am on ubuntu 14.04 amazon EC2 instance with LAMP server and uploading image from my desktop at my home. Thinking that it is ownership issue i made owner of image www-data:www-data and reuploaded. I did chmod 777 on image and uploaded again .Still no luck.
I use webmin and have total access to all files on my server. I cannot find the image that i uploaded anywhere on my server [Server contains just one Elgg instance in its webroot]. If i just know the location where uploaded image is saved, i can do chmod, chown etc. Please help. Thanks.
Edit 1: I figured out that the image shown by default is located at mod/timeline_avatar/graphics/timelineicons/default/mjomba.jpg. But there was no such image in my mod/timeline_avatar/graphics/timelineicons/default folder. I uploaded my image USING WEBMIN WEB UI AND NOT THE UPLOAD BUTTON OF MY ELGG SITE. Changed its name to mjomba.jpg and did chown and chmod as above. Now my image does appear. STILL QUESTION IS IS THIS A CLEAN WAY OF DOING THINGS?
Edit 2: The hack in Edit 1 changes the cover photo for all users except myself. After agin going to Accounts->Settings page , i found that cover photo should be (as per code) located at Documentroot/coveravatar/view/admin1/mjomba/1458388301. But there is no coveravatar folder in my document root. So i created folder coveravatar/view/admin1/mjomba/ in document root. Then Copied file mjomba.jpg to it. And renamed that file to 1458388301. So now the image appears for me also. AGAIN QUESTION IS IS THIS A CLEAN WAY OF DOING THINGS?
On checking Elgg data directory [ owned by www-data:www-data as documentation suggests] i found that the uploaded images ARE INDEED stored in respective user's data directory and they are converted into different sizes as the developer of this plugin says. However changes are not read from web browser changes are not reflected (cache clearing etc tried already). Also on the home page that loads after log-in of any user (including admin) clicking edit cover photo gives error :"Avatar upload failed" and clicking "edit Avatar (camera icon) gives error "You are not allowed to change this user's avatar" even if i login as admin.
=============== I read comments below about file permissions ==================
The recommended setup is:
1. your user account should own the code directory with permissions of 755 for directories and 644 for files.
2. the apache account can own the data directory with permissions of 755 or you can own the data directory with permissions of 777. Apache should create directories in the data directory that it owns and that you won't be able to read with a normal user account (new users are placed in the 2010 directory for example - at least for this year).
However do not understand exactly what "your user account " means in its point 1
Will not be updated to 2.3.0?
Waiting for update to 2.3.0 and running on responsive theme
waiting 2.3.2... nothing?
The installation occurs well ... insert image also but nothing appears in the profile
Sorry for dely. Right now i on vacation with my family. When i get back home in two weeks from now, i will realise some nice theme for current versions.
When the family is happy, it is easier to code with pease of mind!
Thanks for your response.
~~This post made via a cellphone ~~
Good holiday Tom. Thanks for your reply.