WWM Social Contact Importer

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WWM Elgg social contact importer and inviter is a Elgg contacts plugin will allow users to import their Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail contacts to the system and sent and invitation to them.

Last updated

Elgg social contact importer and inviter is a Elgg contacts plugin will allow users to import their Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail contacts to the system and sent and invitation to them. This plugin using Oauth API so the users credentials are safe and authenticating at their provider site (Yahoo,Google and Hotmail).

Main Features are follows.

  • You can import Yahoo Contacts.
  • You can import Gmail Contacts.
  • You can import Hotmail Contacts.
  • Invite Message and email options enabled.
  • Contacts include/Exclude options.
  • Using Oauth API for improved security.
  • Once contact imported data saved on DB until they sent invitation.
  • 1 Invitation for all 3 Operators contacts.

WWM Support

Sr. PHP Developer, Expertise Joomla,WordPress,Moodle and MVC. sometimes wrote blogs related to coding. Loving to learn new technologies.


  • Category: Communication
  • License: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
  • Updated: 1970-1-1
  • Downloads: 1053
  • Recommendations: 2