Group Member Invite

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UI improvements to the group invitation system

Last updated

This plugin improves the UI of the group invitation system provided by group_tools

It provides the following functions:

1. Reorders the invitation page with tabs in the following order (based on metrics for most used features)

Email, Collections, Friends, Find Users, CSV upload

2. Makes the tab text bold

3. Sends site message to an existing user notifying of group invitation

4. Members will become friends with the user who sent a group invitation when they accept the invitation

5. Invite by email can allow for copy/pasted email lists with formats such as:"Matt Beckett" <>; "Mark Bennet" (, 'Mutt Bucket' <>


Group Tools is a dependency for this plugin


Funding for development of this plugin was provided by Connecting Conservation

Arck Interactive

You imagine. We create. We develop custom social networks, content management systems and other rich internet applications. We help entrepreneurs and creative agencies breathe life into their visions. Let's start a conversation!

Project Info


  • Category: Uncategorized
  • License: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
  • Updated: 1970-1-1
  • Downloads: 647
  • Recommendations: 3

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