The Wire Tools v4.0.1

Release Notes

  • fixed: added trusted flags to the widget more links
  • fixed: autocomplete now works at any location in the text input
  • fixed: only check for double reshare if it is a wire post
  • fixed: only extend group activity with wire post form if applicable
  • fixed: only show groups sidebar menu if user is member of the group
  • fixed: reshare button visible for logged out users
  • fixed: wrong encoding when resharing quotes
  • There is a conflict between TheWire Links Preview Advanced and TheWire Tools plugin.

     Both the plugin has a common file: mod/< plugin_name >\views\default\river\object\< plugin_name >\create.php

    Now as I place the plugin one after the other, the create file of the later plugin from the list is being used to generate the preview and the above plugins is ignored.

    This is how I fixed the issue:

    I created a the file combining the source code of both the create.php file:

    $object = $vars["item"]->getObjectEntity();
    $excerpt = strip_tags($object->description);
    $attachments = "";
    $reshare = $object->getEntitiesFromRelationship(array("relationship" => "reshare", "limit" => 1));
    if (!empty($reshare)) {
        $attachments = elgg_view("thewire_tools/reshare_source", array("entity" => $reshare[0]));
    $excerpt = elgg_preview($excerpt);
    $excerpt = thewire_filter($excerpt);
    $excerpt = thewire_tools_filter($excerpt);
    $subject = $vars["item"]->getSubjectEntity();
    $subject_link = elgg_view("output/url", array(
        "href" => $subject->getURL(),
        "text" => $subject->name,
        "class" => "elgg-river-subject",
        "is_trusted" => true,
    $object_link = elgg_view("output/url", array(
        "href" => "thewire/owner/$subject->username",
        "text" => elgg_echo("thewire:wire"),
        "class" => "elgg-river-object",
        "is_trusted" => true,
    $summary = elgg_echo("river:create:object:thewire", array($subject_link, $object_link));
    echo elgg_view("river/elements/layout", array(
        "item" => $vars["item"],
        "message" => $excerpt,
        "summary" => $summary,
        "attachments" => $attachments

    Hope the issue will get resolved soon in your next plugin release.

Jerome Bakker

Developer @ ColdTrick IT Solutions


  • Category: Tools
  • License: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
  • Updated: 2025-1-24
  • Downloads: 11444
  • Recommendations: 23

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