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Sharing elgg-items with your community (beta) for Elgg 1.8

Last updated

Share elgg-items (like blogposts, discussions, events etc.) with your community. Shared conted is displayed in the river.

Explanation of screenshots: 1) Supanova shares Steve's blog post. I'm Supanovas friend and see his recommendation in the 2) Activity Stream also under the tab "Friends". 3) On Supanovas profile his recommendations displayed in a widget.


  • Share-button on Items
  • Share-buttons on the activity-stream
  • Comments, likes, shares etc. on shared contend will be affected on the original
  • The owner will be notified about
  • Shares can be revoked
  • Widget shows users latest shares
  • Language: english, german


This first release is a beta-version for testing. Ideas are welcome.

  • Testing side-effects with other plugins
  • Sharing with specific Persons (Friends, Friend-Lists, specific Groups etc.)
  • Optional disable sharing specific activites or sharing only content like Blog-Posts
  • admins can "revoke" any users-"share" in the activity-stream (avoid accidental deletion the original)


Webdeveloper, Projektmanager at Beaufort8. Coffee addicted.

Project Info


  • Category: Communication
  • License: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
  • Updated: 1970-1-1
  • Downloads: 1756
  • Recommendations: 12

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