Google Fonts

Warning: This plugin has't been updated in over 8 years. It may no longer be maintained.

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Elgg 1.8.6+ Use Google Fonts on your Elgg website

by juBo
Last updated
Recommended Releases
Elgg Release Download Date Links
2.21.2 (28.21 kB)2016-Oct-11
2.11.2 (28.21 kB)2016-Oct-11
2.01.2 (28.21 kB)2016-Oct-11
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Please note: You are welcome to download and use the 'Google Fonts' plugin for as long as it works, but I am no longer able to offer support.

Use Google Fonts on your Elgg website - just follow the instructions on the plugin's 'Settings' page.

The Google Fonts plugin should come at, or very near, to the bottom of your plugins list, and after any theme you might be using. 

Font size: I included the ability to change font size and header size in this plugin because each font is different, and it's useful to be able to make small changes in size and space so that the page still looks good.  Big changes in font size isn't what was intended here, and making big changes will probably break your theme. 


  • Category: Themes
  • License: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
  • Updated: 2018-1-10
  • Downloads: 2578
  • Recommendations: 6

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