[Elgg 1.8-1.12 & 2.X: Rename The Wire]

Warning: This plugin has't been updated in over 9 years. It may no longer be maintained.

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Change the branding of The Wire plugin.

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This plugin is meant as kind of a "HowTO" changing the wording of text output of Elgg core / other plugins. As an example it uses the language file of The Wire plugin changing the wording of "Wire" to "Posts".

Version 1.8.0 of the Rename The Wire plugin is based on the language file of The Wire plugin bundled with Elgg 1.8.16 (therefore I defined Elgg 1.8.16 as requirement). Likewise, version 1.9.0 is based on the language file that comes with The Wire plugin in Elgg 1.9.2 (which is still the same on Elgg 1.10/1.11).

As said above, this plugin is mainly intented as an example. You could also add other language strings of other plugins you want to change the wording of to the language file of the "Rename The Wire" plugin. There's no need to have separate plugins for each modified languge file.


  1. If you have a previous version of the "Rename The Wire" plugin installed, disable it and then remove the rename_wire folder from your mod directory before copying the new version on the server,
  2. Copy the rename_wire folder into the mod folder of your site.
  3. In the plugin list on your site place the "Rename The Wire" plugin at least below "The Wire" plugin. If any other 3rd party plugins already change the branding of "The Wire" plugin you need to place the "Rename The Wire" plugin also below these other 3rd party plugins.
  4. Enable the "Rename The Wire" plugin.


  • Category: Language packs
  • License: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
  • Updated: 2016-12-11
  • Downloads: 3013
  • Recommendations: 8

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