Warning: This plugin has't been updated in over 5 years. It may no longer be maintained.
What you can do to help:
Version 3.0 will be the last version of this plugin. Strictly speaking, the No Logging plugin is no longer necessary on Elgg 3 because the system log is now handled by a separate plugin bundled with Elgg core. So, if you don't want to get log entries created, just keep this plugin deactivated. If you still have existing log entries in your database, you can get rid of them by keeping the No Logging plugin temporarily activated until the log entries get archived. Then you can safely delete the log archive tables and then deactivate both the System Log plugin and the No Loggin plugin. Anyway. this can be done at any time while your site is on Elgg 3. And as long as you keep the System Log plugin deactivated you won't get any new log entries created (neither on Elgg 3 nor any future Elgg version after).
This plugin disables the Elgg system log.
The logging is disabled by unregistering the system_log_default_logger and system_log_listener event handlers. As of Elgg 3 these two event handlers are registered by the bundled System Log plugin of Elgg core. If you keep this plugin disabled (or have never enabled it to begin with), you would not need the No Logging plugin at all as without this plugin there won't be any more log entries by Elgg core or any other plugins created that utilize these event handlers.
Nevertheless, it might still make sense to temporarily use the No Logging plugin because the System Log plugin is not only responsible for the creation of the log entries but also is responsible to deal with archiving the log table and delete the the archived log tables (before Elgg 3 this functionality was part of the bundled Logrotate plugin). While disabling the System Log plugin results in no new log entries being added to the log table any already existing entries will remain. Now you could make use of the No Logging plugin to stop new log entries from being created until the log table gets rotated, i.e. the log table itself gets emtpied after a log archive table has been created. Once the rotation has happened (the when depends on what cron intervall you have set for the log rotate) and the log table is empty you can disable the System Log plugin, then also the No Logging plugin and safely delete the log archive table(s) - but please NOT the log table itself.
What to do and NOT to do:
View iionly's plugins
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