Group UX

Warning: This plugin has't been updated in over 9 years. It may no longer be maintained.

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A collection of small tweaks to improve group usability

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Elgg Release Download Date Links (12.19 kB)2015-Oct-23 (12.19 kB)2015-Oct-23 (12.19 kB)2015-Oct-23 (12.19 kB)2015-Oct-23
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A collection of tweaks for elgg group user experience

  1. Provide group admins with an option to set the default access level for group content (now in core)
  2. Provide link to invite users to group from the manage invitations page
  3. Provide users with an easy way to join a group while browsing content
  4. Let users know they must be group members to participate in discussions, and link to join group
  5. Provide group admins with a method for making group content 'featured', featured content can be viewed on a dedicated page, on the group profile, or in a widget (if using widget manager)


Produced for and with the support of Athabasca University, Canada.

Matt Beckett

I'm a self-employed web developer, family man, nerd, scuba diver. Manager/maintainer of this elgg community site, and core Elgg development team member.

Project Info


  • Category: Uncategorized
  • License: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
  • Updated: 2015-10-23
  • Downloads: 2450
  • Recommendations: 14

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