3 Column river acitivity french translation for Elgg 1.8x

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3 Column river acitivity french translation for Elgg 1.8x

Last updated

This is the "fr.php" file (french translation) for 3 Column river acitivity.

Attention: Do not just drop in "Mod" folder. You must upload the "fr.php" file to: public_html/your elgg_site/mod/river_activity_3C/languages/HERE YOU PUT THE FILE

NOTE: I have translate only the frontend of this extension as it was for one of my personnal project and I din't care about the backend translation for that project.

In my futur spare time, I will also translate the backend if ever some one is interested.

Julien Santerre

I'm a web designer in Canada (quebec). I speak french and english. I'm a spécialist in Joomla, Wordpress, Xoops, Oxy and OpenCart and since a few months, I'm starting to like pretty much the Elgg system.


  • Category: Site admin
  • License: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
  • Updated: 1970-1-1
  • Downloads: 462
  • Recommendations: 3

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