Watch My River

Warning: This plugin has't been updated in over 54 years. It may no longer be maintained.

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Elgg module, that aims to fix the river items problems while disabling a module.

Last updated

Elgg Version: 1.8

Elgg module, that aims to fix the river items problems while disabling a module.

For example, if we disable the blog, river items will appear as empty and broken.

Now we have a button on the Control Panel, that says "Fix River Items". Added a daily cronjob too.

This will copy every empty river items to an alternative created database by this module.


Why copy items to a second database ?

  • Because there is no "enabled" attribute on river items, this is a simple fix.


Your activity now is in peace and happy

Developed by Keetup

Pedro Prez

elgg developer / php / ajax and more


  • Category: Site admin
  • License: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
  • Updated: 1970-1-1
  • Downloads: 830
  • Recommendations: 6

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