Italian Language Pack: CORE SYSTEM

Last updated by lord55

Current Releases: 1.7.1

[it] Nelle sotto-pagine troverai la traduzione in italiano per Elgg divise per sezioni (OKx). Le precedenti versioni sono nella page history.

[en] In sub-pages you will find italian translation for Elgg divided by sections (OKx). Previous releases are in page history.

Postate i miglioramenti da fare!


  1. Sites  
  2. Sessions  
  3. Errors  
  4. API  
  5. User details 
  6. Access
  7. Dashboard and widgets
  8. Groups
  9. Users
  10. Friends
  11. Feeds
  12. Links
  13. River
  14. Plugins
  15. Notifications
  16. Search
  17. Account
  18. Administration
  19. User settings
  20. Generic action words
  21. Generic questions
  22. Generic data words
  23. Input / output strings
  24. User add
  25. System messages
  26. Import / export
  27. Time
  28. Installation and system settings
  29. Welcome
  30. Emails
  31. user default access
  32. XML-RPC
  34. Entities
  35. Action gatekeeper
  36. Word blacklists
  37. Tag labels
  38. Languages according to ISO 639-1