salve ragazzi io ho installato elgg 1.6.1 ma nella home page da questa cosa :
# Elgg htaccess directives # Copyright Curverider Ltd 2008-2009 # License GNU Public License version 2 # Link # ugly ugly hack to detect missing mod_rewrite # RedirectMatch must be to an absolute destination, so forces 500 error... ErrorDocument 500 "Elgg error: Apache does not have mod_rewrite loaded. Please check your Apache setup." RedirectMatch 302 .* index.php order allow,deny deny from all # Don't listing directory Options -Indexes # Follow symbolic links Options +FollowSymLinks # Default handler DirectoryIndex index.php # Turn on expiry ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault "access plus 10 years" # php 4, apache 1.x ErrorDocument 500 "Elgg error: Elgg does not support PHP 4." RedirectMatch 302 .* index.php # php 4, apache 2 ErrorDocument 500 "Elgg error: Elgg does not support PHP 4." RedirectMatch 302 .* index.php # php 5, apache 1 and 2 # default memory limit to 64Mb php_value memory_limit 64M # to make sure register global is off php_value register_globals 0 # max post size to 8Mb php_value post_max_size 8388608 # upload size limit to 5Mb php_value upload_max_filesize 5242880 # hide errors, enable only if debug enabled php_value display_errors 0 # Turn on mod_gzip if available mod_gzip_on yes mod_gzip_dechunk yes mod_gzip_keep_workfiles No mod_gzip_minimum_file_size 1000 mod_gzip_maximum_file_size 1000000 mod_gzip_maximum_inmem_size 1000000 mod_gzip_item_include mime ^text/.* mod_gzip_item_include mime ^application/javascript$ mod_gzip_item_include mime ^application/x-javascript$ # Exclude old browsers and images since IE has trouble with this mod_gzip_item_exclude reqheader "User-Agent: .*Mozilla/4\..*\[" mod_gzip_item_exclude mime ^image/.* ## Apache2 deflate support if available ## ## Important note: mod_headers is required for correct functioning across proxies. ## AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css text/javascript application/javascript application/x-javascript BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.[0678] no-gzip BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip Header append Vary User-Agent env=!dont-vary # The following is to disable compression for actions. The reason being is that these # may offer direct downloads which (since the initial request comes in as text/html and headers # get changed in the script) get double compressed and become unusable when downloaded by IE. SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI action\/* no-gzip dont-vary SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI actions\/* no-gzip dont-vary # Configure ETags FileETag MTime Size RewriteEngine on # If Elgg is in a subdirectory on your site, you might need to add a RewriteBase line # containing the path from your site root to elgg's root. e.g. If your site is # and Elgg is in, you might need # #RewriteBase /sites/elgg/ # # here, only without the # in front. # # If you're not running Elgg in a subdirectory on your site, but still getting lots # of 404 errors beyond the front page, you could instead try: # #RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^action\/([A-Za-z0-9\_\-\/]+)$ engine/handlers/action_handler.php?action=$1 RewriteRule ^export\/([A-Za-z]+)\/([0-9]+)$ services/export/handler.php?view=$1&guid=$2 RewriteRule ^export\/([A-Za-z]+)\/([0-9]+)\/$ services/export/handler.php?view=$1&guid=$2 RewriteRule ^export\/([A-Za-z]+)\/([0-9]+)\/([A-Za-z]+)\/([A-Za-z0-9\_]+)\/$ services/export/handler.php?view=$1&guid=$2&type=$3&idname=$4 RewriteRule ^\_css\/css\.css$ _css/css.php RewriteRule ^pg\/([A-Za-z0-9\_\-]+)\/(.*)$ engine/handlers/pagehandler.php?handler=$1&page=$2 RewriteRule ^pg\/([A-Za-z0-9\_\-]+)$ engine/handlers/pagehandler.php?handler=$1 RewriteRule xml-rpc.php engine/handlers/xml-rpc_handler.php RewriteRule mt/mt-xmlrpc.cgi engine/handlers/xml-rpc_handler.php RewriteRule ^tag/(.+)/?$ engine/handlers/pagehandler.php?handler=search&page=$1
lo da all'inizio della pagina...da cosa dipende?grazie dell'aiuto
Security issues should be reported to!
©2014 the Elgg Foundation
Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
Icons by Flaticon and FontAwesome.
Hi, I'm Jessica and I'm trying Elgg for my business company.
I have this error:
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, postmaster@<mysite> and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
What's does it mean?
I had download Elgg 1.7.1, hosting Linux Aruba.
Help me, please!
Ciao Jessica, sembrerebbe un problema con il file .htaccess, controlla che sia stato creato correttamente...
Ciao a tutti,
ho avuto lo stesso problema di Jessica su aruba, ho risolto con questo file .htaccess e con l'aggiornamento del Db dalla versione 4.x alla 5.0.x
<IfModule !mod_rewrite.c>
# ugly ugly hack to detect missing mod_rewrite
# RedirectMatch must be to an absolute destination, so forces 500 error...
ErrorDocument 500 "Elgg error: Apache does not have mod_rewrite loaded. Please check your Apache setup."
RedirectMatch 302 .* index.php
<Files "htaccess_dist">
order allow,deny
deny from all
# Turn on expiry
<IfModule mod_expires.c>
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault "access plus 10 years"
# php 4, apache 1.x
<IfModule mod_php4.c>
ErrorDocument 500 "Elgg error: Elgg does not support PHP 4."
RedirectMatch 302 .* index.php
# php 4, apache 2
<IfModule sapi_apache2.c>
ErrorDocument 500 "Elgg error: Elgg does not support PHP 4."
RedirectMatch 302 .* index.php
# php 5, apache 1 and 2
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
# default memory limit to 64Mb
php_value memory_limit 64M
# to make sure register global is off
php_value register_globals 0
# max post size to 8Mb
php_value post_max_size 8388608
# upload size limit to 5Mb
php_value upload_max_filesize 5242880
# hide errors, enable only if debug enabled
php_value display_errors 0
# Turn on mod_gzip if available
<IfModule mod_gzip.c>
mod_gzip_on yes
mod_gzip_dechunk yes
mod_gzip_keep_workfiles No
mod_gzip_minimum_file_size 1000
mod_gzip_maximum_file_size 1000000
mod_gzip_maximum_inmem_size 1000000
mod_gzip_item_include mime ^text/.*
mod_gzip_item_include mime ^application/javascript$
mod_gzip_item_include mime ^application/x-javascript$
# Exclude old browsers and images since IE has trouble with this
mod_gzip_item_exclude reqheader "User-Agent: .*Mozilla/4\..*\["
mod_gzip_item_exclude mime ^image/.*
## Apache2 deflate support if available
## Important note: mod_headers is required for correct functioning across proxies.
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css text/javascript application/javascript application/x-javascript
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.[0678] no-gzip
BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header append Vary User-Agent env=!dont-vary
# The following is to disable compression for actions. The reason being is that these
# may offer direct downloads which (since the initial request comes in as text/html and headers
# get changed in the script) get double compressed and become unusable when downloaded by IE.
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI action\/* no-gzip dont-vary
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI actions\/* no-gzip dont-vary
# Configure ETags
<FilesMatch "\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|mp3|flv|mov|avi|3pg|html|htm|swf)$">
FileETag MTime Size
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
# If Elgg is in a subdirectory on your site, you might need to add a RewriteBase line
# containing the path from your site root to elgg's root. e.g. If your site is
# and Elgg is in, you might need
RewriteBase /community/
# here, only without the # in front.
# If you're not running Elgg in a subdirectory on your site, but still getting lots
# of 404 errors beyond the front page, you could instead try:
# RewriteBase /community/
RewriteRule ^action\/([A-Za-z0-9\_\-\/]+)$ engine/handlers/action_handler.php?action=$1
RewriteRule ^services\/api\/([A-Za-z0-9\_\-]+)\/(.*)$ engine/handlers/service_handler.php?handler=$1&request=$2
RewriteRule ^export\/([A-Za-z]+)\/([0-9]+)$ services/export/handler.php?view=$1&guid=$2
RewriteRule ^export\/([A-Za-z]+)\/([0-9]+)\/$ services/export/handler.php?view=$1&guid=$2
RewriteRule ^export\/([A-Za-z]+)\/([0-9]+)\/([A-Za-z]+)\/([A-Za-z0-9\_]+)\/$ services/export/handler.php?view=$1&guid=$2&type=$3&idname=$4
RewriteRule ^\_css\/css\.css$ _css/css.php
RewriteRule ^pg\/([A-Za-z0-9\_\-]+)\/(.*)$ engine/handlers/pagehandler.php?handler=$1&page=$2
RewriteRule ^pg\/([A-Za-z0-9\_\-]+)$ engine/handlers/pagehandler.php?handler=$1
RewriteRule xml-rpc.php engine/handlers/xml-rpc_handler.php
RewriteRule mt/mt-xmlrpc.cgi engine/handlers/xml-rpc_handler.php
RewriteRule ^tag/(.+)/?$ engine/handlers/pagehandler.php?handler=search&page=$1
Ciao a tutti Fabio
Ho riscontrato anche io il problema di Jessy78 quindi mi unisco alla discussione. La versione che sto usando é però la 1.7.4.
Grazie Fabio il tuo .htaccess va anche per la 1.7.4